The sun is rising in Costa Rica. It's just me and my sister Kristin that is awake. We both are working from our computers but with a different view then maybe others. I talked on the blog about " to keep focus on your dream" and I still remember the day in my friend Johannas house in Ljusdal, three hours north of Stockholm, Sweden. When she showed me a picture from a magazine somewhere in Mexico. The article was about the gypset style and a book the just came out written by Julia Chaplin. My friend said, "this is us Malin.." And my heart started to run like thousand horses. I knew she was right. She said that she had ordered the book for us both. And she said, " That is your dream Malin. Go for it." From that day I covered my fridge with pictures of the gypset life together with pictures of my children. Everyday, sitting in my apartment in Järvsö, Sweden, I pictured myself in an environment like the pictures in the book. And now, seven years later, I am living that dream. First by moving to Mallorca. And now staying in Costa Rica almost two months this winter. I am getting there. Step by step... So please believe me when I say, dreams comes true. Even if they don't happen immediately they come to you when universe has sorted things out so you can walk the road of your dream. So what is most important when it comes to this dream of yours? Well... dare change. You have to be brave and move out of your comfortzon. Big changes and big dreams needs big courage to try other roads. Within you and outside of you. And a strong believe and inner vision that this will happen. Already see yourself there. And you WILL be there one day. What ever your dream is. Below you see picture from my dream. My son doing his first surf lesson... My nephew and his girlfriend Peg on the Bonfire on the beach yesterday... My yogini colleague Victoria enjoying her easy way of life on the beach next to the Pacific Ocean. This is my dream. To live where the sun sets in warm colors in the ocean and the tropical fruits and flowers embrace me with their taste and essence. What is yours? Go for it!! Make a dreamboard and put it on the fridge so you see yourself on it everyday. LIVING it one day. Believe in it. Believe in you. And feel it... that you are already there. ;-) Namaste, Malin