Costa Rica. In my little family we talk about that it has to be other "currencies" then money. The real treasures is what we do for one another. The gifts of love and compassion. And the money we have, we use them to experience things rather then to buy material stuff. I put every single coin I have to this trip with my grown up kids. I don't see them much when I live on Mallorca. So it's nice to give them total focus like this. And the memory we will have together now. The time we spend with each other is the gift I give my children when I have moved on to the next world one day. For me that is so much more important then money on a bank account. Even if I will be 102 years it's the NOW we have to treasure. So please, don't judge me and say, "that is easy for you to say, you can afford it". I worked hard for this to happen and I will probably live on noodles the next year. ? But I will be the riches woman on earth in my heart. So think about that when you follow us on this blog the next 7 1/2 weeks. You will enjoy our days more when you know, that this was my dream 12 years ago. Standing alone and divorced with four kids and not a coin in my pocket. Slowly I worked my way to this. And now I am here. I have cried a lot through the years and been scared. But I have also had great faith in the powers of positive thinking and on my goal and that the universe delivers if you have faith. You sometimes have to jump over crazy high fences. And you will be scared. But it will be worth it. I promise. Follow your dream. Keep focus on it. Believe in it. And life will give you ways of getting there even if you from time to time think its impossible. Thank you universe for keeping your promise to my dream. I love you beyond your galaxies. ❤Namaste! ??